The Imma-Fashion show is truly an experience to be a part of during the week of BABE 2017! Watching the show and how the audience reacted was amazing. People had Phones out, got hype, and was excited to see some of their favorite dancers.
Seeing Dom, Sean Lew, Kyndall Harris and more of the ImmaBeast family walking down the runway was such a treat for a lot of people. Most because these kids and adults are coming from all over the world just for a good experience.
It was such an amazing opportunity to catch up with the brains behind the operation, Erica Mer!
In a short interview with Erica, talked about her overall experience with creating the show and the performance.
(P- Patrick / E- Erica)
E – “I was very happy With the commitment from the people in the show! From the Rehearsals to the show they really stepped up! I believe it was relatable because of how committed the participants were.”
E- “I think the crowd loved it. They were engaged and felt super connected with the models, which was exactly what I wanted!”
E- “One thing that was cool was the fashion show headliners got to pick their own song to walk/ perform to. I believe this made it their show as well as mine.”
“Last thing I must say is how thankful I am for Deanna Jenkins & Taylor Thomas. They helped me from beginning to end. Also DJ Marvin for all of his help even with his busy schedule!”