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TAKE ME UNDER – Sorah Yang

In this video Sorah Yang brings together 19 ladies from around the dance community. Not only are these particular girls very talented, but they’ve each supported her along her journey, which has helped her to keep going. She believes in order to progress it’s so crucial that dancers become better at supporting one another – especially women. This project she hopes to give you inspiration and enjoyment into your life. Filmed by Kinjaz Nick Kim at

If you don’t know who Sorah Yang is you absolutely should. Originally form the bay area (California) she has been professionally dancing for years and is also a USC Business School Graduate turned to dancing as a career after graduating in 2012. Sorah’s recognition came about after the creation of her own Youtube Channel in 2006. Gaining a tremendous following since then she now has over 50,000 subscribers. Sorah has expanded her choreography skills and teaching talent, teaching regularly at Movement Lifestyle and all over the World. She has taught in countries such as Germany, Singapore, China, Russia, France, Switzerland and Australia just to name a few. Her style can be described as fusion hip hop based with emphasis on having a strong core.

Subscribe to Sorahs Youtube Channel or Check out her own Website to learn more about her



Connect with the following

IG | Sorah Yang

IG | Nick Kim

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